Python, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
210+ Hours Weekday & Weekend
Live Online Instructor-ledSelf-Paced Training
76% of data scientists use Python and it’s touted as the #2 in-demand skill sought by Indian recruiters.
In this age of digitization, Python has emerged out to be the golden star of data science realm. It’s an open source programming language, easy to install and extremely beneficial for creating stunning data visualizations.
Our Data Science with Python, Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Certification will feed you in-depth knowledge and expertise about various libraries and packages required to do data analysis, web scraping, data visualization, NLP, machine learning and deep learning using Python. Packed with real-life projects and business case studies, this course itinerary is crafted to furnish you practical experience in fixing and working amidst the Python domain. Deep Learning is driving the AI landscape; our comprehensive course will guide you through veins of deep learning and data science, and help you design intelligent systems from complex, expansive datasets.
NOTE: Students are requested to carry their own laptops for training. The use of own laptops in classroom training not only makes students more efficient learners but also turns teachers into much better instructors. With powerful installations and cutting edge study tools loaded in the laptops, our students can easily learn and develop acumen from home, making the entire process of education more productive, seamless and hassle-free.
Incase company or an education institute wants to conduct a specific program for their employee or students the same can be worked out. We provide customized trainings workshops to corporate and students according to their need.
Data Science Certified R Programming & Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling
Base & Advanced SAS, Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling & Ms Excel
Ms Excel, Dashboards, VBA & Macros, SQL and Tableau BI
Data Cleaning, Manipulation, Visualization, Text Mining and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python programming
Python, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
Incase company or an education institute wants to conduct a specific program for their employee or students the same can be worked out. We provide customized trainings workshops to corporate and students according to their need.
Data Science Certified R Programming & Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling
Base & Advanced SAS, Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling & Ms Excel
Ms Excel, Dashboards, VBA & Macros, SQL and Tableau BI
Data Cleaning, Manipulation, Visualization, Text Mining and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python programming
Python, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning