Alteryx is a leader in self service analytics.
20 hourslive training
Hands on, Instructor LedUse-Case Project Based Classroom Training Weekend batches
Incase company or an education institute wants to conduct a specific program for their employee or students the same can be worked out. We provide customized trainings workshops to corporate and students according to their need.
Data Science Certified R Programming & Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling
Base & Advanced SAS, Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling & Ms Excel
Ms Excel, Dashboards, VBA & Macros, SQL and Tableau BI
Data Cleaning, Manipulation, Visualization, Text Mining and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python programming
Python, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
Incase company or an education institute wants to conduct a specific program for their employee or students the same can be worked out. We provide customized trainings workshops to corporate and students according to their need.
Data Science Certified R Programming & Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling
Base & Advanced SAS, Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling & Ms Excel
Ms Excel, Dashboards, VBA & Macros, SQL and Tableau BI
Data Cleaning, Manipulation, Visualization, Text Mining and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python programming
Python, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning