The season of celebration is here! Christmas is just around the corner. And here is a beautiful self-similar Christmas tree that was created using SAS with the help of two fascinating features – matrix computations and ODS statistical graphics.
You might have come across blogposts highlighting how repeated Kronecker product of a binary matrix ushers us into self-similar structures. But this time, we are taking special care in introducing self-similarity in Kronecker products – like, if M is a binary matrix then Kronecker product happens to be M@M, which is a block matrix in which each 1 inside the original matrix is replaced by a copy of M, and each O is replaced with a zero block. In this blog, @ stands for the Kronecker product (or direct product) operator implemented in IML/SAS software).
Carry this process for three or more times and generate a heat map of the product matrix to help create a self-similar structure.
For an instance, the following 5×7 binary matrix possesses 1 in positions that resemble the shape of a Christmas tree. The direct product, M@M@M is a powerful matrix that includes 53 = 125 rows and 73 = 343 columns. The creation of a heat map of the direct product in SAS/IML is done by using HEATMAPDISC, in which a green cell represents a 1:
proc iml; M = {0 0 0 1 0 0 0, 0 0 1 1 1 0 0, 0 1 1 1 1 1 0, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 0 0 0 1 0 0 0}; Tree = M @ M @ M; /* M is 5 x 7, so Tree is 125 x 343 */ ods graphics / width=300px height=450px ANTIALIASMAX=50000; call heatmapdisc(Tree) title="Happy Holidays to All my Readers!" colorramp={White Green} displayoutlines=0 ShowLegend=0;
Now, that you can see the tree for yourself, you can also visualize a large tree with 17 smaller trees, each consisting of 17 mini trees.
Now, are you wondering about how to put a star up on the tree? The best way to do it is by using a scatter plot and drawing a special observation by implementing a star symbol – then unpack the 125×343 matrix into a list of (x,y) values (it’s a broad-and-long conversion of the matrix).
Another way is by using the NDX2SUB function to extract the column and row of each 1 in the matrix in the following manner:
/* extract (row, column) pairs for matrix elements that are '1' */ idx = loc(Tree = 1); /* indices for the 1s */ s = ndx2sub(dimension(Tree), idx); /* convert indices to subscripts */ create Tree from s[c={"RNames" "CNames"}]; append from s; close; call symputx("XPos", range(s[,2])/2); /* midrange = horiz position of star */ quit;
The before-mentioned points helped in creating a SAS data set known as TREE that includes the (x,y) positions of the 1s in the direct product matrix. The statements are also good to save midrange value to a macro variable.
Check out the following SAS procedures assist in creating the location of the star, link the two data sets, and draw a scatter plot of the outcome, which you will find at the beginning of this blog
data star; x = &XPos; y = 0; run; data Tree2; set Tree star; run; ods graphics / width=600px height=800px ANTIALIASMAX=50000; title "Happy Holidays"; proc sgplot data=Tree2 noborder noautolegend; scatter x=CNames y=RNames / markerattrs=(color=ForestGreen symbol=SquareFilled size=3); scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(symbol=StarFilled size=20) /* yellow star */ filledoutlinedmarkers markerfillattrs=(color=yellow); yaxis reverse display=none; xaxis display=none; run;
The article is sourced from –, and not contributed by our editorial team.
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